Pin It Button and Link

Once you have established yourself on Pinterest, you will often find that while surfing the web, there are photos and videos that will immediately appeal to you and that you will want to Pin. A great time-saving tool is the Pin It button. Also, if you have a website and you want others to Pin what you are doing, there is a Pin It link available. These tools are easy to install, easy to use and can save time and effort and make the Pinterest experience that much easier.
The Pin It button is simply a button that you install on your web browser’s toolbar that says, “Pin It.” You can install the Pin It button and, when you are web browsing, if you see a photo or video that you want to Pin, you simply click the Pin It button and you can choose which Pinboard you wish to upload it to, or create a new board on the spot. This saves you the time of opening Pinterest in a separate window and copying to it, so you can go on with your web browsing! The Pin It button is available for download for almost any search engine toolbar. You simply go to Pinterest, click on, “About,” and scroll down. Now, you will see two different Pin It button options, “PIn It Button” and “Pin It Button for Websites.” The one for websites is the Pin It link we will discuss next. But in regards to the first Pin It buttonou can simply click to install the onto your browser’s toolbar. It’s that simple.

In the same location, the Pin It button for websites allows you to create a Pinterest link on your own web page, much like Facebook or Twitter links. If you have a HTML web page, you will need to follow the instructions on Pinterest’s About page to add the code to your site. You will need a program such as ‘Composer’ in order to do this, which is available for free download. It is exactly the same as adding the Facebook or Twitter links. If, however, you are running a website based off of WordPress, simply search the Net for a third-party plugin that will install the Pin It link; it’s much simpler. With this link, people who browse your website will be able to post things from your site to Pinterest with one touch!

This is useful because Pinterest does not allow you to post links when you Pin. You can put a link to your website on your Pinterest profile, but you do not have the option of doing so when you post content to Pinboards.

With both of these tools in place, you now have easy access to Pinterest for anything you wish to post, while others have similar easy access to your website. For reaching out to a wide range of clients, customers or viewers, you have positioned both your website and your Pinterest account in such a way that you can successfully and easily keep a steady flow of Pins traveling in both directions. This will help you Pin as many items as possible to whatever Pinboard you wish without extra effort or multiple opwn tabs or windows, while also allowing visitors to your page to Pin photos and videos from there. In fact, simply giving people the option to Pin It will often motivate them to do so.

Remember, Pinterest is all about people sharing their interests. By connecting with as many of these people as you possibly can, you will find that your content is shared with the largest number of members. Thanks to the Pinit Button and link, it is easier than ever to share content and let your content be shared by others.

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