LinkedIn – The Beginning of Every Job Search

LinkedIn is an online directory of professionals and companies and is the perfect job search tool for everyone. Many recruiters and companies are calling it essential that any job seeker have a LinkedIn profile. This is one of your first places to go when starting your job search. From here you can do networking, job searching, company research, and join field related discussion groups.

It is a simple process  to get started, your first step is to sign up. Then once you are in you can take a brief look around and see what LinkedIn has to offer. You might be surprised who you find that is already on there. Once you are set up you can use LinkedIn to begin networking, job searching or simply boosting your career.

Don’t go too far into it until you have created a profile. Without a profile no one knows who you are or what you can do. Your LinkedIn profile is as good or sometimes better than passing around an old-fashioned resume. A LinkedIn profile increases your online visibility and puts your name out there to thousands of potential employers and colleagues about changes in your employment status, your skills and your accomplishments. It helps you build your personal and professional brand so you can showcase your background and skills to prospective employers. Recruiters and hiring managers use LinkedIn as a search forum for job candidates and these days many companies use it as their primary hiring platform.

The profile contains all the information on your resume and more. It will include the basics such as your experience and skills but you can also use it to let the world know you are looking for employment and what position you would like.

Once your profile is complete you can begin networking. This starts by connecting with people you know, then looking at discussion groups you can join and contribute to. Once you have made your initial connections you can start branching out and get introduced to people in companies you would like to work for.

In the modern world networking is vital and a LinkedIn profile is a great way to start.

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